I want one

Beam me up, NOW!!! One of the many awesome things in the current issue of […]

Stampdawg / 4.23.10

Beam me up, NOW!!! One of the many awesome things in the current issue of The Atlantic is a brief piece on how, in the last few years, tricoders have become real! You could get one now. And they really work! I am sooooooo excited….
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5 responses to “I want one”

  1. Jeff Hual says:

    Holy cow!

    Now if they could just figure out a way to keep the 5th member of every away team from inevitably meeting his or her demise in every episode…

  2. StampDawg says:

    Actually in a lot of the episodes, the Expendables had color coded shirts. You could literally tell who was going to die by the uniform he wore.

    Speaking of Spock, a high ranking official in ECUSA once stated that that, in Christian discourse, the model of truth and falsity should be replaced by one of force fields of energy between the claimants.

    An MB writer of whom we are all very fond responded with a graphic image of Leonard Nimoy struggling against a wall of energy and the caption:

    Spock trapped in a force field. Force fields are a key concept in Episcopal theology. Who knew?

  3. Jeff Hual says:

    John, I'm betting I can guess the MB writer of which you speak! 😉

  4. Wenatchee the Hatchet says:

    I can just imagine how much database work has to be done to get those things to have the potential to work! The cost and possibility for profit in collecting and licensing such information could prevent the scanner from being widespread in medical treatment for a couple of generations. 🙁 On the other hand, eliminate any possibility of profit for such an investment and it won't get done.

  5. Keith Pozzuto says:

    Ok for real, I thought this was a joke. Awesome. I want one. Great post.

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