FAIL of the Week

ht HS:

David Zahl / 9.16.13

ht HS:


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2 responses to “FAIL of the Week”

  1. mark mcculley says:

    Of course the even greater danger of salvation by our law-keeping is not our rebellion, but our success. Since I did not write on the wall, my works give me assurance that my faith is the right kind of faith and that I have made the love of God (which is for everybody) actually work in my own case. So the problem is not only the creation of an antinomian reaction, but also the creation of self-righteousness. Thank yo god for making me not like that self-righteous pharisee. So now I can get paid!

  2. michael cooper says:

    The general principle that “the law only increases the trespass” does not seem to apply in Switzerland, where everyone seems to be totally law abiding, with the exception of the occasional spouse shot by the ever-handy army rifle. I have no idea why.

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