Breaking the Fourth Wall: A Mockingbird Seminar on Preaching [Digital Download]


Straight from the 2011 Pensacola mini-conference to you. An absolute must-hear for anyone involved in ministry… or life. For a preview, go here.

Product Info: 77MB, 3 downloadable zipfiles
Content: 2 hour-long talks, 1 Q&A


Straight from the 2011 Pensacola mini-conference to you. An absolute must-hear for anyone involved in ministry… or life. For a preview, go here.

Product Info: 77MB, 3 downloadable zipfiles
Content: 2 hour-long talks, 1 Q&A

SKU: 363 Category:


Straight from the 2011 Pensacola mini-conference to you. An absolute must-hear for anyone involved in ministry… or life. For a preview, go here.

Product Info: 77MB, 3 downloadable zipfiles
Content: 2 hour-long talks, 1 Q&A