Support Us

The work of Mockingbird is made possible by the gifts of private donors and churches. Annually we need to raise $515,000 to meet our budget, and with supremely limited overhead, your gifts translate directly into mission and ministry.

Can you help?

Please consider asking your church missions committee to include us in their annual giving. Mockingbird is a fully tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization.

There are several ways to give to Mockingbird: 

Traditional Giving

Donations can be made out to “Mockingbird Ministries” and sent to:

Mockingbird Ministries
100 West Jefferson Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Online Giving

All monthly donors to Mockingbird receive a complimentary subscription to our quarterly magazine, The Mockingbird. Simply enter a recurring amount to be charged/debited from your credit or debit card each month (minimum of $15).

Donation Information  
Donor Information
Help Us Cover Costs
Simply leave "Yes!" checked below to ensure that 100% of your intended donation is available for our mission.
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